Thursday, September 24, 2015

Click Play: The Social Media Festival "Ki Hong Lee M&G contest" TOP 5 SURVIVAL TIPS if you get lost in a maze with Ki Hong Lee

TOP 5 SURVIVAL TIPS(if you get lost in a maze with Ki Hong Lee)
Out of the maze and into Minho's heart

1. Be the Keeper of the [KI]per.

Watch and Read the Maze Runner series so you'll know the way out. Most likely, you can figure out what will happen next. But still, let him be the man. Let him be your hero. Guard him and watch out for Grievers. Don't let anything or anybody hurt your MINHO {not actually yours, he's my minho}

2. Bring a pack of souc[HONG] and water.

Avoid dehydration by bringing water and lapsang souchong "black tea" so he can regain back his energy whenever needed. We all know that water deprivation can be dangerous since it can lead to dizziness, seizures and even death. But keep in mind that drinking too much can be just as bad. Running while having excess liquid in your system can cause you to fall into coma, or worst die. Just take enough fluid and oh! Also bring along some pizza, so he'll love you as much as he loves pizzaaaaaaa! #kihongleeisaddictedtopizza #kihongleewillbeaddictedtoyou

3. Bring a flash[LEE]ight.

I don’t want to get too technical on this one, but if you prefer rechargeable batteries, just make sure they’re charged completely, otherwise you’ll be both bloody dead. On the other hand, when it comes to primary batteries, you can go for alkaline batteries for higher energy density. But there’s a catch. This type tends to have shorter life and is pretty vulnerable to leakage. Survivors highly prefer the lithium batteries which have longer runtime and could go for more than five years. Honestly, as long as it can lit lights up those onyx eyes and those light-hearted, ever so charming dimples, you brought the right thing. Right? :">

4. Learn to do CPR or you'll regret every [MIN]ute of your life.

Right after a person’s heart stops beating, he may die within 8 to 10 minutes. I bet you wouldn't let yourself watch Minho in a worst case scenario like that. So take CPR training, such skill will help you save not only Minho's life but anyone in your group who might need it. But hey, I know how it feels pressing your lips against our man, just keep in mind that when you're performing this, do not be overwhelmed with the kiss of life... just yet. Wait for the cue that he’s finally awake (and rescued) first, then you may continue. Lol.

5. Have courage and never lose [HO]pe.

Have enough courage to trust your team and never ever lose hope. If a plan doesn't work, change the plan but never the goal. The journey will be rough for both of you. Although his smile is the prettiest thing in the world and it gives you buckets of hope, of course, we’re all humans and KiHong shatters sometimes, too. If that time comes, he will run out of reasons to smile. So do your part girl, cheer him up! You can make him happy too! Having a good sense of humour makes a guy fall in love in 90 minutes or less. So save up those wisecracks, it will make him laugh so hard that he would even forget why he gave up in the first place.

I almost lost myself in a daydream while doing the creative photo and must-be-witty top 5 survival tips! Thank you for creating this contest @Clickplayfest (I guess it's not just me who enjoyed joining haha!) Hope to meet you soon @kihonglee  #wishfulthinking #minhobaby #Clickplayfest